Re: itemset


It seems that it works fine on Orbeon PresentationServer too. To try it, 
just go to our XForms Sandbox:

Upload your sample, and there you go!


Nicolás Echániz wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I'm trying to write a simple itemset example but I can't get it to work
 > on FormFaces.
 > Attached is the example I'm working on.
 > I have looked at the examples I could find online and what I'm doing
 > seems correct, but when the page gets rendered, the select shows blank.
 > Any hints will be greatly appreciated as I'm working on an xforms
 > generator and this is delaying me a lot.
 > I plan to share my work when it's in some showable version :)
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Nico.
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Argentina Uruguay locacion
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > Ciudad
 > pais

Received on Friday, 3 February 2006 12:09:13 UTC