RE: The RDF in WD-xforms-20011207


I added the rdf: prefix to the about attribute.
Thanks, and stay tuned for our next publication.


P.S. We define the my: prefix in prose in the introduction section of the
document. -m

-----Original Message-----
From: Barstow Art (NMP/Boston) []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 3:02 PM
Subject: The RDF in WD-xforms-20011207

The RDF example in section is:

 1. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
 2.  <rdf:Description about="#email-input">
 3.   <my:addressBook>personal</my:addressBook>
 4.  </rdf:Description>
 5. </rdf:RDF>

The RDF Core WG is actively addressing issues in the RDF M&S spec and 
a decision they have made in:


   RESOLVED: 2. The grammar will be corrected to require 
   namespace-qualification for all attributes for The List. 
   A namespace prefix MUST be used for these attributes, where 
   the namespace prefix points to the RDF URI 

Given this decision, 2. above should be changed to:

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="#email-input">

I fed the above RDF to the first three online RDF parsers listed at:

and they either threw an error or a warning because 
the RDF fragment does not define the "my" namespace.  I
realize the HTML that encapsulates the RDF is just
a fragment but you may want to add an xmlns:my attribute  
to line 1. or 3.

Art Barstow

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2002 19:42:02 UTC