Save/Persisting form data

Hello everyone,

I am new to this group... I have been independently developing an XML Form
system for the past month or so, and stumbled across this effort today
(XForms)! I am amazed at the similarities of what we are both trying to
design. I have been working on an XML Form DTD, along with an XML Form XSLT
for form representation. I also notice that many of your design goals are
still unresolved (as stated in the working draft). I would love to be of
assistance if I may in these areas. I have, for instance, implemented a
solution for saving/re-editing a form. I do not know where the group
currently is with this matter. Please advise.


Robert Fox

Robert Fox
Program Manager
PH:(805) 899-2366
FX: (805) 882-2599 
 <<Robert Fox.vcf>> 

Received on Monday, 8 May 2000 19:28:37 UTC