Is there a pure JS implementation of the WOFF2 Brotli codec?

On the off-chance that anyone knows, fontkit ( is currently using an emscripten'ed
version of the Brotli codec for handling WOFF2 decoding, which turns what
is a 34MB footprint process without WOFF2 decoding into a ~1000MB footprint
process with... making it rather unusable for dealing with WOFF2 files in
any meaningful production setting.

I was wondering if anyone knew of, or was working on, a pure JS
implementation of the Brotli codec, in the hopes that this could be used by
fontkit for its WOFF2 handling, so that font parsing in node or in the
browser (like one might do using Opentype.js etc) becomes possible for this
newer standard.

- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 23:35:13 UTC