Re: Bug? "Hyphen" character rendered in place of "soft hyphen" in most browsers except Safari and Opera

On 11-07-11 19:44, Eric Muller wrote:
> - it's probably not desirable to end up with a different glyph for an
> hyphenated word and for a compound word.
It is if you want to use different sidebearings.

One idea is that, for full-justified text and webfonts, the U+00AD (soft
hyphen) glyph has a slightly negative right sidebearing, which allows to
create an "optical margin alignment" effect (for the visible "soft"
hyphens at the end of the line).

Also, there may be historical fonts (e.g. Fraktur) where the designer
might wish to distinguish those two graphically.



May success attend your efforts,
-- Adam Twardoch
(Remove "list." from e-mail address to contact me directly.)

Received on Monday, 11 July 2011 17:59:46 UTC