Re: Bug? "Hyphen" character rendered in place of "soft hyphen" in most browsers except Safari and Opera

On 7/9/2011 12:59 PM, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> <qiuote>...for example:
>  • Simply inserting a hyphen glyph
>  • Inserting a hyphen glyph and changing spelling in the divided word parts
>  • Not showing any visible change and simply breaking at that point
>  • Inserting a hyphen glyph at the beginning of the new line
> </quote>
> it sounds as though U+00AD is not expected to have any visible representation

Note that the text is careful to say "Inserting a hyphen glyph" without 
saying in any way how to find one. That's because the content of the 
cmap (or its moral equivalent) is a matter for the OpentType (or 
similar) format, not a matter for Unicode (of course, there are 
constraints because of the eventual desire to have a Unicode compliant 

Observing that:

- it's probably not desirable to end up with a different glyph for an 
hyphenated word and for a compound word.
- the latter is most likely represented in text by U+002D - 
HYPHEN-MINUS, with U+2010 ‐ HYPHEN a distant second.

I am not sure that how viable it is to distinguish all the situations.


Received on Monday, 11 July 2011 17:44:52 UTC