Update on I18n-ISSUE-7: Paragraphs and inline content

Hello public-i18n-core,

Just to update you on this issue, your proposal to add block-level and
inline-level attributes was accepted by the WebFonts WG. The elements
are called 'div' and 'span' respectively, and they have @xml:lang and
@dir. They use a mixed content model, div can be nested inside div and
span inside span; div can't be a child of span.

The editors draft has been updated. The RNG is not updated yet but
will be soon. The text is as follows:

  Where text elements are used to contain (localizable) content,
  further structure MAY also be provided using div and span child
  elements similar to those used in HTML:

  div element

    A block-level element used, for example, to contain a paragraph.

    The text direction, either ltr (for "left to right") or rtl (for
    "right to left"). This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted,
    defaults to ltr. class An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens.
    This attribute is OPTIONAL.
  span element

    An inline element used, for example, to indicate a run of text
    with a different text direction, or in a different language.

      The text direction, either ltr (for "left to right") or rtl (for
      "right to left"). This attribute is OPTIONAL and, if omitted,
      defaults to ltr.


      An arbitrary set of space-separated tokens. This attribute is

  The text elements used to hold (localizable) text for a number of
  the individual pieces of metadata have a mixed content model
  consisting of text content, div and span elements; div elements have
  a mixed content model of text content, div and span elements; and
  span elements have a mixed content model of text content and span
  elements. In other words, div can contain other div elements; span
  can contain other span elements; span does not require a containing


It would be great if you could send an email message to www-font
acknowledging that this responds to your comment (for our last call
tracking purposes). We are now under some time pressure to close out
last call.

 Chris Lilley   Technical Director, Interaction Domain                 
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead, Fonts Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG
 Member, CSS, WebFonts, SVG Working Groups

Received on Wednesday, 1 June 2011 13:55:48 UTC