Re: Shouldn't fonts embedded through @font-face be available in <canvas>?

I suspected as much - it's just the same, waiting for the resource to be loaded, drawing images onto <canvas>:

- L

On 26 Sep 2010, at 17:16, "Adam Twardoch (List)" <> wrote:

> On 10-09-26 18:05, Sergey Malkin wrote:
>> One implementation is missing from your "none" list ;). Try attached in IE9 Beta or PPB5 (replace font url with your favorite). 
> Aah, nice! :)
> BTW, I just realized that I was wrong last night. @font-face is
> supported, it's just a bit tricky because the JavaScript methods that do
> the canvas drawing must be executed only after the embedded font has
> been completely loaded. This forces the web author to resort to certain
> tricks (put a hidden div that uses the font so the browsers loads it,
> then load it again using JavaScript).
> So, not very reliable, yet it does work. Tested in Firefox 4, Safari,
> Chrome and Opera -- and I assume IE9 also supports it. Splendid!
> Best,
> Adam

Received on Sunday, 26 September 2010 17:05:52 UTC