Re: [css3 fonts] font-specific features

Can I assume that <font-family> here can also be defined by an @font-face rule? It's not necessarily dependent on any particular font family names in the font itself?

Can <value-name> be shared? Can I define 'swash: swishy 1' for FontFamilyOne and 'swash: swishy 3' for FontFamilyTwo, then use 'swash(swishy)' to access the alternates in both families?


On Sep 16, 2010, at 5:41 PM, John Daggett wrote:

> During the discussion of font feature support at the last CSS meeting,
> there was a lot of concern expressed about the use of numeric
> selectors to choose specific glyph variants.  Using an example from
> the spec:
>  h2 { font-variant-alternates: styleset(3,5); }
>  h2:first-letter { font-variant-alternates: swash(2); }
> These values are very font specific, if fallback occurs
> unintended glyph selection can occur.  These values also poorly
> document their intended purpose.
> At the meeting Chris suggested using another @-rule to define 
> explicit value names for specific families, so today fantasai
> and I hashed out a syntax:
>  @font-feature-values <font-family> {
>    <font-variant-value> : <value-list> [, <value-list>];
>    <font-variant-value> : <value-list> [, <value-list>];
>       .
>       .
>  }
> where:
>  <font-family> :== font family name, quoted or unquoted
>  <font-variant-value> :== the name of one of the font-specific font-variant values (e.g. swash, styleset, annotation)
>  <value-list> :== <value-name> <integer>+
>  <value-name> :== a user-defined identifier used to describe the numeric value
>  <integer> := an integer value greater than 0
> Multiple integers would only be permitted for font-variant values that
> permitted multiple values (e.g. styleset, character-variant).  Other
> font-variant values would only permit a single value.
>  @font-feature-values My Lovely Font {
>    swash: swishy 1, flowing 2;
>    stylistic: long-k 2;
>    styleset: alt-g 1, alt-m 3, curly-quotes 5, code 4 7 9;
>  }
>  body { font-family: My Lovely Font, GreatJapaneseFont, sans-serif; }
>  h2 { font-variant-alternates: styleset(alt-m, curly-quotes); }
>  h2:first-letter { font-variant-alternates: swash(flowing); }
>  code { font-variant-alternates: styleset(code); }
>  p { font-family: Another Lovely Font; }
> The style rules for h2 here are the same as in the original example
> using numeric values at the beginning of this message. If the headings
> contained Japanese, none of the font-variant settings would apply
> since the values aren't defined for GreatJapaneseFont.
> This does add more syntax but it nicely solves the fallback problem
> and leads to stylesheets that more clearly indicate the variants being
> used in a style rule.

Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 16:56:27 UTC