Re: WebOTF Proposal

On 8/6/2009 5:08 PM, HÃ¥kon Wium Lie wrote:
> I suggest calling the format
>    Web Opentype Format, or perhaps
>    Web Opentype Font
> and use the ".wof" extension. WOF is easier to pronouce than WebOTF.
> Alternatively, "wot" is also a good name -- I believe Robert suggested
> it (for something slighly different) in the past.

Not sure what the obsession is with three-letter file extensions; both
*.wof and *.wot are completely meaningless to a casual user.

Unless it's already reserved somewhere, using *.webfont seems the most
reasonable solution: it has clear meaning and clear pronunciation. If
you *must* have short, pronounceable forms, maybe you could make *.wf or
*.wef aliases.

Received on Friday, 9 October 2009 10:46:28 UTC