- From: Bill Hill <billhill@microsoft.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 1996 11:29:39 -0700
- To: "'Erik van Blokland'" <evb@knoware.nl>, "'Gary Ruben'" <gdr@cataneo.bitstream.com>
- Cc: "'w3 webfonts'" <www-font@w3.org>
Erik is right on one point. We DO have evidence from at least one font vendor (which has far more resource to defend its fonts against piracy than people like Erik) that for every font it sells, there are at least 20 pirated copies made. Erik may be exaggerating, but I suspect he's not far out. That, of course, doesn't automatically make him right in anything else he says :-) And whether any of the people who make a pirated copy of a font ever use it - or would have bought a genuine version even if the price was negligible - is another question altogether, one that I don't have the evidence to answer. No matter. As we move forward with font embedding, embedding schemes have to try to answer the concerns of smaller design houses like Erik's. I hope Erik has not already made up his mind against embedding on principle, and we can convince him that the safeguards we propose will give him the protection he needs to feel comfortable. At the very least, trying to convince him will keep us on our toes... bill ---------- From: Gary Ruben[SMTP:gdr@cataneo.bitstream.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 1996 7:28 AM To: Erik van Blokland Cc: w3 webfonts Subject: Re: Protecting WebFonts Erik, First let me say that I have read what you have to say about pixelfonts. I think that you have presented the seeds of a potentially interesting technology and that if you devote your energy and time to turning it into a mature, functional, and useful technology, people will use it, perhaps even would be willing to pay for it (both end-users and developers). But with regard to the possibility of making fonts secure and generally useable on the Web, I have to disagree with your premises, your conclusions, and the suitability of your pixelfonts as a solution to enchancing the typographic experience of Web publishers and readers. Erik van Blokland wrote: > > In all proposals, webfonts security relies on the integrity of browsers, > the integrity of operating systems, some part of the process being kept > secret, or best of all, the integrity of users. Yes, security relies on the cooperation and integrity of all of the components. But the potential for parties wroking outside of the system to *deliberately* thwart the precautions taken should not be cause to just give up the attempt to make the Web more secure. The Web, today, is a relatively insecure medium. But that does not stop people and companies from carrying on commerce on the Web. Nor should it stop publishers and users from reaping the benefits of an improved typographic diversity for electronic publishing on the Web. > The first two can and will be hacked with relative ease. Furthermore, it If Web security can be so easily hacked, why do major software vendors maintain a presence on the Web? Why do Symantec, Borland, Microsoft and others offer on-line acquisition of significant (and sometimes expensive) products? If security is so easy to circumvent, why aren't there floods of bootleg copies of MS-Word, or Symantec Cafe, or any other product available on-line, just floating around for the asking (I'm not talking about the copies distributed by ignorant users, who trade Fontographer like postage stamps)? Why isn't there a great hew and cry from companies about their livlihoods being stolen from their Web sites from under their noses? > is unwise to believe in the possibility of secrets, and finally, the Security does not need to rely on secrets. A public key/private key encryption system uses published algorithms and has withstood the scrutiny of dozens, if not hundreds, of experts in cryptography. Everyone generally believes that the mechanism is as secure as we can possibly hope for - only governments have the resources required to break it. > integrity of users towards fonts has been thoroughly tested in the world > of personal computing already: every fontsale represents between 30 and > 50 copied fonts. If already *anything* that sits on a webserver has to be Do you have any hard evidence for this? Or is it just scare propaganda? > considered to be public and accessible to the world, why entertain such > vain hopes that it would be possible to keep something away from an user Perhaps because we do not see thousands upon thousands of users blithly stripping emmbeded TrueType fonts from the MS-Word documents that contain them? > on his own computer? When operating systems become browsers, keeping a > font exclusive to one app is a _very_ easy hack to get around, since Perhaps you would take the time to explain how this can be so easily hacked. Sure, there are some very clever programmers, or hackers who can find a way to perform this trick. But do you think that the vast majority of users can figure this out? Or that they even would bother? Why do *you* have such pessimistic expectations that everybody using a computer would rather steal your fonts than buy them, and that therefore the rest of us ought to just give up on trying to figure out how to keep that from happening, or at least to seriously reduce the ease with which it can be done? > there are also fonts open to all apps available on the same system. Flip > a bit, find free font. Where is this magic bit? And how does changing a bit in an already available font on the system make those other, unseen fonts suddenly available? Are you now suggesting that even hacking the operating system is such a trivial task that any high-school VB programmer can do it at the drop of a hat? > > Webfonts are things that primarily need to create bitmap images on Web fonts are things that primarily "need" to perform the tasks that we already expect in traditional type. Type is the tool that gives form to communication. Bitmaps can stand in, but they're a poor substitute. They are hard to scale properly, they look bad and read very poorly when they are seen on screens with different resolutions than they were designed for, they cannot be searched for content, they will not reformat when the user changes the size of his browser window, and on, and on, and on. > screens across the world. Most usage will be on screen. Print is another > issue that can be solved seperately already. But users *do* print Web pages. They do it for many reasons - to keep a copy of the *information* for reference, or to read off-line because reading long passages on-line is tiring (because of poor typography, perhaps?), and all the other reasons why any other documents are printed. The Web does not inherently reduce the need or desire to print. > Let's get the screen right before giving away the fonts. Critics say I think we can get the screen right with real fonts, and without giving them away. Nothing you have said in this discussion, or in your polemic on your Web page (which I printed out so I could re-read your breathless prose at my leisure), convinces me otherwise. So far you have not raised a single concrete reason why we should not be using real type on the Web, nor why we should not consider how to protect those fonts, except to say that fonts will be stolen no matter how hard we try to stop it. > "screen resolution will increase, warranting outine fonts at the user > end". Typedesigner says "that will be some time in the future, and even > if it becomes a major issue (involving more than 20% of users) HTML will > be *several* generations further". The fact is that screen resolution is good enough *right now* to present type with *acceptible* quality for most users. "Typedesigner" may have higher standards than the average Joe, and looks down on us lowly slobs who think Garamond looks beautiful coming from my 300 dpi laser printer. I am sure that he also pities poor Mathew Carter for selling out, and designing fonts specifically for the screen, and wish that he would recant and rejoin the elite guild of "real typographers". > Anything that's decided on as the webfonts standard will be obsolete in > two years anyway, just because the introduction of type is going to raise > the expectation of webtypography *so much* that current outline based > proposals have to be completely revamped anyway. Let's all hope that expectations will have been raised. But they cannot be raised unless we introduce type to the Web. We can wait two years because a standard we introduce today will be obsolute then anyway, but you can say the same thing again in two years - 'just wait, cause it'll be obsolete soon anyway'. Why will it be obsolete? Because we came up with something we thought would work, we tried it out, and learned how to improve it. We're not going to have anything better to offer in two years if we don't try something now. > > So why start enabling worldwide distribution of fonts with potential > dramatic effects, when some smart tricks with fontservers, pixelfonts and > some resolution information in HTTP protocol can provide enough *time* to > make a solution that is pleasing to all involved for the long term. Buying time is just that. You want to sit around spinning your wheels hoping this will go away. It *will* go away and you'll just be sitting in the dust of it's wake. Smart tricks and half-hearted stop-gaps do not make reliable and effective solutions - they just make unecessary work to patch things up after they fail. Many people have pointed out to you ways in which your proposed solution fails to satisfy any number of requirements. But you have not explained how they are wrong, or how your solution could be fixed or improved to take account of their objections. This letter of yours is more of the same. > > Already sites are beginning to provide fonts to their viewers. Many of > these are badly hinted (ripoff) PC truetype fonts. These fonts are > scalable, but won't provide good results in all resolutions, neither do > they print well. Yet people like it enough to maintain the supply. A Because some people have no taste in fonts is not a reason to prevent people who might have better taste from using higher quality materials. > webfonts system that provides the possibility to deliver appropriate > pixelfonts to the client, without enabling access to outlines is the best A Webfonts system that allows publishers to pick the fonts and formats they feel most appropriate, without enabling general end-user access to the fonts is the best solution. And it includes the ability for you to use pixelfont graphics if you want. > solution for the time being. The fact that there are fonts at all will be > blast, and it leaves room for better technology to be developed. Better technology already has been developed - it promised to get even better in the future. Some of us just don't want to wait to use what we already have. > > erik van blokland, LettError type & typography > Home of the Randomfonts, Trixie, BitPull & GifWrap. > letterror http://www.letterror.com > typelab http://www.dol.com/TypeLab/ Erik, believe it or not, the people who are working to establish a standard for Webfonts understand your concerns about the safety of intellectual property, and are trying hard to address them in a new standard. I think we would all like your input on these issues, and your cooperation, rather than your stubborn and unproductive opposition. Regards, Gary ==================================================================== Gary Ruben Bitstream Inc. Senior Software Engineer 215 First Street mailto:gdr@cataneo.bitstream.com Cambridge MA 02142-1270 USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitstream does not necessarily endorse any opinions expressed here. (Come to think of it, you might not either. 8-o) ====================================================================
Received on Tuesday, 27 August 1996 14:30:07 UTC