- From: Erik van Blokland <evb@knoware.nl>
- Date: Wed, 27 Mar 96 21:03:33 +0100
- To: "Hannes Famira" <hannes@dataweb.nl>, "Martin Wenzel" <Wenzel@dataweb.nl>, "Jonathan Hoefler" <hoefler@aol.com>, "Www" <www-font@w3.org>
Dear typepeople, our contribution to the webtype discussion. WebFonts So far most of the disussion on webfonts is about providing some sort of outline format that can be sent along with a document. Given how computers deal with typefaces today that seems a logical step, because a new thing should be as good as possible, and with type outlines are the best solution for fonts, so there. But is it the best idea for typefaces in webbrowser? Is it really necessary to send outline data of a typeface along? There seem to be a couple of advantages, but the disadvantages seem to be bigger and more. Scalability Having outlines available at the client makes it possible to scale the text and print a page. But if one of the incentives to send fonts along in the first place is to make sure that the page looks like its author.producer.designer intended it to be, then why go through great lengths to make it easier for a user to screw it up by changing sizes again? During the design phase of a page a typesize is chosen, and that is what the user of a page has to see in the best possible way. Some sort of anti-aliased bitmap font will do just fine. Printing Other argument: printing a webpage. First, are there figures available on the amount of webpages that actually get printed? I think that the ratio of number of read webpages that get printed to the number of unprinted ones favors the unprinted pages in such a major way that making complicated and expensive provisions to make webpages printable from the start is not necessary. Secondly, typography for the screen is different from typography for the printed page. Unless screen and pages actually become the same physical object, a design for one medium will always look bad on the other. Not just because of the fonts, the typography for each medium requires different solutions: the way the text is read differs. That is not a problem when it is recognised. Make a format that functions well on screen, and make another that look good on paper. Or make some very smart automatic conversion system between the two, same thing. Some sort of anti-aliased bitmap font will do fine again: make a provision that the bitmap knows what typeface it was rendered from, and if a user really wants to print it, he can find the font that goes with it, or get it at a local vendor, or just print the whole thing in a font of his own. Economy Outline font are more economic (smaller) compared to a bag of bitmaps that contains all sizes one could make with the outline font. That makes it a good solution for desktop publishing where you don't know what the next job will bring. But a web page contains a limited number of characters in a limited number of sizes. Up to a fairly large bodyheight a pre-rendered bitmap font is smaller than an outline font describing the same thing. Of course this is not entirely fair because the same outline font can then be used to render all other sizes on the same page, whereas more bitmap fonts would have to be downloaded. This advantage is gone when more than one font is used on a page. Also the technique of only including characters that are used on a page, proposed for outline formats can also be applied to bitmapped characters. Then bitmaps will be more economic for a long time. Platform Paul Haeberli's webfont proposal (http://reality.sgi.com/grafica/webfonts/) suggests to add a bitmap format within HTML, where all characters are placed in one single image. Widths and additional information are included, or available separately. The image can be compressed with normal (and future) compression methods. The letters can be even be colored with many colors in one letter and modified using normal image processing software. This is, I think, a must for popular acceptance of a type on screen system, just look at what people are doing with text in images on the web right now. It's not just fonts, its what you can do with them: Blurry, shaded, photographed, color-in-color, reversed and even animated fonts! i.e. _use_ the typefaces. Webdesigners won't go for a solution that offers less flexibility. All the browser needs to do is to 'parse' the font-image and place the bits and pieces on the right place. This is rather simple to implement compared to building a rasteriser that works every platform, support colored fonts, imagery, antialiasing etc. Not to mention the: Copyright & piracy issues As a typedesigner I've seen and experienced how people deal with fonts and ownership, and it sucks. If a system came to be where character-outlines are broadcast to every single browser in the world I would stop making type, or at least, stop using anything nice and new because it would become instant public domain. A bitmapped font of course has the same problem but on a much smaller scale: besides putting it on your own webpage there is basically nothing else you can do with that font. Redigitizing does not work: the result might make a good grunge font, it will not be comparable to the original. Has anyone bothered to take a gif image from a website and reshuffle the letters into a new word? Nope, because it is easier to make a new one. Outlines are much more valuable because they are much more versatile: they can print, they can render new bitmaps, well, you know what outlines can do. Bitmaps are cheap and can be stolen as well, but they are available to all anyway, so why bother. If you want to police the use of a font on a network, make a webcrawler that looks for your it. Schemes where outline fonts are hacked in pieces and only the characters that are used in a document get send along are only a temporary solution to font piracy. It would become very interesing to build a machine that looks at all characters coming by over a network and starts 'collecting' fonts. "alt.binaries.fonts.characters" will pop up in a matter of weeks, every single webfont in the world will be available! No thanks. .. Everybody making webpages could be generating and using webfonts. WebMap-Fontrendering apps can be small, cheap, plentiful and available to all. There will be an advantage to make pages better, readable and sometime even make sense, and to use good and or new typefaces, thus to buy more type. Much work for typedesigners, typographers, and designers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ |-- | -|- | /-| -|- |/|/| /-| |/ /-| | | | |/| /-| |- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /-| | | | | | | | |-/ | | | | | |-/ | | | | | | | | | | | | |/| | | | |-- |/| |/ | | | |-/ | |-/ | | |-/ |-/ --/ | erik van blokland www.letterror.com ------------------------------------------------------------------
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