Re: char set encodings

At 7:45p -0700 05/23/96, I wrote:
>Unfortunately, Netscape only supports the character sets it has defined:
>              "us-ascii", "iso-8859-1", "x-mac-roman", "iso-8859-2",
>              "iso-2022-jp","x-sjis", "x-euc-jp",
>              "euc-kr", "iso-2022-kr",
>              "gb2312", "gb_2312-80"
>              "x-euc-tw", "x-cns11643-1", "x-cns11643-2", "big5"
>There's no way to use any others and have Netscape take advantage of it. So
>even if you found the name of a Russian character set (such as iso-8859-5,
>which I found in rfc1345), it wouldn't do you any good because Netscape would
>just ignore it.

Well, I installed Atlas Gold PR2 (3.0b3), and it turns out they have added
support for iso-8859-5!
It is a beta, though, and renders much more slowly than 2.0, but if you
need Russian... ;)


    Walter Ian Kaye <>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Saturday, 25 May 1996 21:55:15 UTC