Re: char set encodings

 |and take a look at our site how it works.
 |DOWN LOAD : WEB BUSTE.EXE a free graphical
 |broeser, install it and come back. (don't forget to check
 |automatic font download from the option menu)
 |or if you prefer, use EPUBVIEW.EXE a plug in to
 |NETSCAPE or Explorer browser.

Unfortunately I'm stuck with UNIX (although I do have 
Wabi -windows emulation- that runs on my Solaris2.5 box) 

-- you don't have anything for me, eh?


John Eadie  COMPUTING ART Inc  ~ since 1982 ~
(416) 287-6811 -or- (604) 922-5104  FAX (604) 922-5194
klee wyck Cottage, 120 Keith Road, West Vancouver BC  V7T 1L3

`one of these days the dogs aren't going to eat the dog food' - Bill Joy

Received on Saturday, 25 May 1996 15:52:36 UTC