RE: Adding an interface to provide a list of listeners

The enumerating event handler issues are a huge problem for web accessibility evaluation checking tools.

We have to use proprietary APIs to get event handler information for the rules in the OpenAjax Accessibility Evaluation library.

Tools we are developing using proprietary APIs to get event information:

AInspector Sidebar for Firefox:

FAE 2.0


From: Karl Groves []
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 5:51 PM
To: Shane McCarron
Cc: Ms2ger;; W3C WAI Protocols & Formats
Subject: Re: Adding an interface to provide a list of listeners

I'm not sure the reply "this been discussed and rejected several times before ... I would advise against reopening the discussion."  is terribly helpful. To Shane's original question: which WG would be best to address this with or to search down the history of the relevant discussions? Is there a way to get access to those previous discussions or at least a summary as to why?

Frankly, it does indeed seem like a worthwhile feature request. A google search for "Get event listener" retrieves over a million results"get+event+listener"

I'm also personally aware of others' desire for something like "getEventListener"

And that search turns up almost a quarter-of-a-million results. The top results are quite relevant to this discussion and also demonstrate that many people are looking for such a thing.  The fact is, the browsers themselves already have this, but it isn't exposed in a way that devs can get to.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Shane McCarron <<>> wrote:
Oooh!  I was unaware that it had been discussed previously.  I will do a mailing list search.  If you have any pointers, I would love to see them.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Ms2ger <<>> wrote:
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Hi Shane,

On 07/17/2014 06:44 PM, Shane McCarron wrote:
> Hi!
> At a recent W3C PFWG meeting, the group (again) lamented the lack
> of a standard way to get a list of all the Event listeners (of a
> specific type, at a specific element, etc) in the DOM.
> We are happy to put together a proposal about this, with use cases,
> but we are not sure if we should target this at the DOM itself or
> at the DOM Events specification.
> Obviously we are not looking to rock the boat here w.r.t DOM4 or
> anything. We are just trying to figure out who we should be talking
> to about getting this included in some future specification.
The DOM specification is a living standard, so don't worry about
rocking boats.

However, this has been discussed and rejected several times before; is
there any new information that suggests a reasonable chance to
overturn those decisions? If not, I would advise against reopening the


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Karl Groves
Senior Technical Lead Accessibility Software Consultant & Director of Training
The Paciello Group
Phone: +1 443-875-7343

Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 13:51:37 UTC