Re: [DOM3 Events] space key should be always "Spacebar" for KeyboardEvent.key?

Siterer Wez <>:

> In D3E the 'key' field indicates the meaning of the key in the current
> context, so in this case it would be appropriate for it to have distinct
> values for each of the cases listed.

I disagree. This use case is fulfilled by the D3E "char" property, no?  
The point of having the "key" property is to have a more stable  
reference to whatever physical key was pressed.


> The D4E 'code' field is intended to
> indicate the actual key that was pressed, regardless of its meaning in the
> current context, so that would be consistent for the spacebar, regardless
> of the generated KeySym.

The question was about the interpretation of D3E though.

> In this case I'd recommend:
> * For the "space" and "KP_Space" key-syms, generate Spacebar (NORMAL) and
> Spacebar (KEYPAD) events, respectively.
> * For the others, generate events using the corresponding Unicode code
> point for the 'key' field.

And I would suggest that setting 'char' to the corresponding Unicode  
code point and 'key' to "Spacebar' is the best way to fulfil all the  
various use cases.


Received on Thursday, 9 May 2013 22:10:26 UTC