Re: [DOM] DOM4 draft : getAttributeNode() and getAttributeNodeNS() substitute ?

It's useful when you manipulate DOM trees. For example :
- In a previous project I have implemented a xml editor : the DOM source 
(in any arbitrary schema xml) is traversed and binded with html widgets 
for editing. In the building editor process I need to keep some 
properties on each Attr object.
- In a new project I work on an algorithm for identifying differences 
between two DOM trees. I need to get Attr object by its name and set 
some computed matching scores on it.

More generally, I think that getAttr() should be the primary method 
since the two others are only small syntactic sugar 
( :
- getAttribute(n)   ===    getAttr(n).value
- hasAttribute(n)   ===    getAttr(n)!=null

Le 04/10/2012 18:36, Marat Tanalin | a écrit :
> 04.10.2012, 16:21, "Sylvain Spinelli" <>:
>> Getting Attr object from an Element by its QName or localName + ns is
>> really useful.
>> Since Attr class no longer inherits from Node, "getAttributeNode" and
>> "getAttributeNodeNS" names are misfit.
>> Perhaps we could have 2 new methods :
>> - Attr? getAttr(DOMString name);
>> - Attr? getAttrNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName);
>> WDYT ?
> Why someone at all could need to get an attribute as a node/object instead of a string (for the latter, `getAttribute()` works fine)?
> `getAttributeNode()` should probably be just marked as obsolete.

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 18:53:00 UTC