Re: [DOM] DOM4 draft : getAttributeNode() and getAttributeNodeNS() substitute ?

On 10/03/2012 02:33 PM, Sylvain Spinelli wrote:
> Getting Attr object from an Element by its QName or localName + ns is
> really useful.
> Since Attr class no longer inherits from Node, "getAttributeNode" and
> "getAttributeNodeNS" names are misfit.
> Perhaps we could have 2 new methods :
> - Attr? getAttr(DOMString name);
> - Attr? getAttrNS(DOMString? namespace, DOMString localName);
> WDYT ?

We won't add aliases for features we're trying to remove from the 
platform. If it turns out that we can't remove 
getAttributeNode/getAttributeNodeNS, or that there's a good use case for 
them, we'll add those back, under the names they always had.


Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 16:42:10 UTC