Clarify addEventListener/removeEventListener listener argument type [WebApps-ISSUE-174]

Hi, Sergey-

I have clarified in the DOM3 Events spec [1] that the listener parameter 
can be an inline function object.

Please let us know whether or not this satisfies your issue.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker wrote (on 12/23/10 7:53 PM):
> WebApps-ISSUE-174 (inline function listener): Clarify addEventListener/removeEventListener listener argument type [DOM3 Events]
> Raised by: Doug Schepers
> On product: DOM3 Events
> Sergey Ilinsky<>:
> [[
> It does not come clear from the specification that the second argument of
> addEventListener/removeEventListener functions can also be a function object
> (apart from a specified type - an object that implements EventListener
> interface)
> For new implementers this information is vital.
> ]]

Received on Friday, 24 December 2010 01:01:54 UTC