Minutes, DOM3 Events Telcon, 8 December 2010


scribenick: jrossi
jrossi: would like to nail down inputLocale
jrossi: some pushback for putting it on compositionEvent instead of 
jrossi: have no issue with putting it in on textEvent, provided we can 
spec it in a way that implementations will pass the test when only 
providing this value for keyboard and IME inputMethods (and remaining 
values can be null)
smaug: no pushback for compositionEvent, just a recommendation that it 
be in addition to textEvent
jrossi: agreed
shepazu: i think it can always be null, so that a passing implementation 
can provide either null or the correct locale code
jrossi: that would be acceptable
jrossi: should inputLocale be in the init methods for these interfaces?
shepazu: yeah let's add this to the init and that will let us test this 
better, and enable script-based textEvents to provide locale (eg, 
script-based IME)
RESOLUTION: we will have inputLocale on KeyboardEvent, CompositionEvent, 
and TextEvent, and add this the initialization methods for all three

Received on Wednesday, 15 December 2010 23:25:43 UTC