Accessibility Additions to DOM3 Events

Hi, Olli, Travis-

On the Hypertext Coordination Group telcon, we discussed the UI 
Independence for ARIA draft [1], which has some possible implications 
for DOM3 Events.  I've addressed this as a high-level overview here [2], 
but I do think there are parts we could usefully and easily integrate 
into DOM3 Events.

I'd really like to have you guys join us on the follow-up call for this, 
on Monday.  Rich or Janina can pass on the details about the Protocols 
and Formats WG telcon.  Do you think you could join us?

(Member-only, for no good reason :( )

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 15:18:00 UTC