Re: [DOM Level 3 Events] Capture-phase listeners invoked on targets

On 09/27/2010 12:42 PM, Stewart Brodie wrote:
> Sergey Ilinsky<>  wrote:
>> As far as I know there are "modern" browsers which handle capture-phase
>> event handlers on targets. Is this behaviour wrong or correct? Is the
>> correct behaviour specified anywhere in the specification?
> This has been discussed before (although possibly not on this mailing list?)
> and I believe that a summary would be:
> * It was completely wrong
> * Firefox had this bug [bug 235441, lots of discussion there too]
> * Firefox won't fix it because there's a website builder that relies on it
Yeah, otherwise correct, except that the reason is more that many
web sites relies on the behavior where capturing listeners are
called in target phase.


> * Other browsers have started to emulate this fault
> * The spec is being retrospectively changed to match Firefox's behaviour
> * any content that relied on the original specification is now broken

Received on Monday, 27 September 2010 12:09:23 UTC