Re: [DOM Level 3 Events] Capture-phase listeners invoked on targets

Sergey Ilinsky <> wrote:

> As far as I know there are "modern" browsers which handle capture-phase
> event handlers on targets. Is this behaviour wrong or correct? Is the
> correct behaviour specified anywhere in the specification?

This has been discussed before (although possibly not on this mailing list?)
and I believe that a summary would be:

* It was completely wrong
* Firefox had this bug [bug 235441, lots of discussion there too]
* Firefox won't fix it because there's a website builder that relies on it
* Other browsers have started to emulate this fault
* The spec is being retrospectively changed to match Firefox's behaviour
* any content that relied on the original specification is now broken

Stewart Brodie
Team Leader - ANT Galio Browser
ANT Software Limited

Received on Monday, 27 September 2010 09:44:46 UTC