Re: TextEvent data property

I wonder if it is too late to ask
jQuery to change its API.
It should, IMO, use something like
event.jqueryData (I know, looks terrible)

Btw, as far as I know, webkit's TextEvents aren't
quite what the DOM 3 Events draft specifies.


On 1/13/10 2:50 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Sean-
> Sean Hogan wrote (on 1/12/10 7:19 PM):
>> It just occured to me that the data property of TextEvent clashes with
>> jQuery Events, which uses the data property for " optional data passed
>> to jQuery.fn.bind when the current executing handler was bound."
>> See
>> and
> Thanks for alerting us to this unfortunate design. Without looking too
> deeply at it yet, this does seem problematic.
>> (and there textInput events) support in jQuery will be
>> confusing (at minimum).
>> To my knowledge only Webkit supports TextEvents and I can't imagine many
>> developers actually using them yet, so it might not break anything to
>> change it now.
> There may be other (non-browser) implementations using it. I'd like to
> hear from them.
>> Perhaps "text" or "textData" would be an acceptable name.
> "value" might also serve.
> We'll look into it and talk about it at the telcon.
> Regards-
> -Doug Schepers
> W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 2010 09:15:52 UTC