Re: remedy for click event

Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, Krzysztof-
> For reasons I've already stated, I respectfully disagree with your 
> interpretation of "deprecated", and I don't intend to apply it in the 
> case of DOM3 Events.  While I am writing the spec for both authors and 
> implementers, the implications of deprecation most directly impact 
> implementers.  I already use the term "deprecated" in what I see as a 
> specific and pragmatic approach throughout the spec, and unless I hear 
> from implementers that they disagree with that use, I'm not going to 
> change it.
> I don't really understand the specific problems that 'click' presents 
> for you in the pragmatic case.  If you show me examples where it 
> causes scripting or usability problems, that might help.
> As a caveat: right now, I'm not prepared to develop features based on 
> general use cases (unless it's something I particularly want).  If you 
> want that done, you have to do the legwork.  It might not make it into 
> DOM3 Events, but we can always consider it for DOM4 Events.
Yes, can it be added to the DOM4 Events wishlist.

Received on Sunday, 20 September 2009 03:27:58 UTC