Re: DOMActivate vs. Click

Hi, Maciej-

Maciej Stachowiak wrote (on 7/26/09 11:52 PM):
> On Jul 26, 2009, at 9:34 PM, Doug Schepers wrote:
>> Maciej Stachowiak wrote (on 7/26/09 10:59 PM):
>>> then WebKit will probably align with
>>> the judgment of other browser engines on whether to keep them.
>> Do you mean Safari, or WebKit? I'd be interested to hear from Google,
>> KDE/Konqueror, and other folks who have browsers based on WebKit.
> I mean WebKit. As I said, I can't officially speak for the whole
> project. My sense is that project attitudes are mostly along the lines I
> described, though individual WebKit contributors, whether they work for
> Apple or not, may disagree on the particulars.


> Generally, WebKit-based browsers strive to avoid differences that affect
> behavior of Web content. I expect Safari, Chrome, Epiphany, Arora,
> Midori, OmniWeb, iCab, S60 Browser, the Android browser, and other
> WebKit-based browsers to just follow mainline WebKit on this point. We
> tend to value consistency over minor differences of opinion on things
> like this.

Sure, makes sense.  I brought it up because I wondered if some uses of 
WebKit might have more specialized markets that might use DOMFocusIn, 
DOMFocusOut, or DOMActivate.

> (Konqueror doesn't use WebKit, although the idea has been discussed).

Huh!  I stand corrected, I thought it did.

> For Safari, I can't make any specific commitments about future releases,
> though historically Safari has followed mainline WebKit behavior.
> I hope this clarifies what I mean when I say the WebKit project would
> likely do one thing or another. If I'm ever giving a strong statement of
> project consensus, or an Apple corporate position, I'll try to make that
> clear. But usually I'm giving either personal technical views, or
> positions that I think will likely find rough consensus in the WebKit
> project.


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 04:08:07 UTC