- From: Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 23:22:32 -0800
- To: www-dom@w3.org
Hello, These are comments for your DOM 3 Load and Save Proposed Recommendation [1] to use as you see fit. The document would benefit from adherence to a markup plan. Why for example is "read only node" a link twice in one paragraph? Why in LSParserFilter are Document and DOMImplementation not links (or marked up) in "the owner Document and DOMImplementation objects exist"? Why is Node marked up and capitalized sometimes and plain text others? Why is External XML Entity capitalized and not marked up? --- Load and Save section 1.3 says "The interface within this section is considered fundamental, and must be fully implemented by all conforming implementations of the DOM Load and Save module." Do you mean all of the "interfaces" (a typo) within section 1.3? If you do, then why does the introduction to section 1 say, "The functionality specified in this section (the Load and Save functionality) is sufficient to allow software developers and web script authors to load and save XML content inside conforming products." Do you mean all of the functionality specified in all of section 1? Section 1.3 says a DOM application may or must do some things. If the words may and must are meant in the RFC 2119 sense, then the document should state so. Further, it should credit the RFC and make it a normative reference. The Manual of Style has example markup [2]. If may and must aren't used this way, then I would write an explanation of what you do mean by them. Statements like the following state requirements in different ways: "is," "will be," "are expected to." So, I can't search for conformance keywords (and really shouldn't have to). Maybe no one else would notice but I think this is worth mentioning to see what you think. - For all other types of nodes the serialized form is implementation dependent. - any occurrence of a character that cannot be represented in the output character encoding is reported as a DOMError fatal error - If inconsistencies are found, the serialized form of the document will be altered to remove them. - implementations are expected to raise implementation specific errors and warnings Maybe a section named "Conformance" would help Load and Save? --- The rest of this note is minor editorial. s/DOM Working Group members/DOM Working Group participants/ s/paramter/parameter/ s/web/Web/ s/The list of interfaces involved with the Loading and Saving of XML documents is:/The interfaces involved with the loading and saving of XML documents are:/ s/LSReader is NOT bound/LSReader is <em>not</em> bound/ s/therefore as no recommended meaning/therefore has no recommended meaning/ s/parameters recognized in on/parameters recognized in/ (or on) s/URN's/URNs/ In the TOCs and headings I would capitalize Interfaces and References. These sentences were pretty long and could be shortened something like: This specification does not attempt to define exactly when progress events should be dispatched. That is intentionally left as implementation-dependent. Here is one example of how an application might dispatch progress events: Once the parser starts receiving data, a progress event is dispatched to indicate that the parsing starts. From there on, a progress event is dispatched for every 4096 bytes of data that is received and processed. Same here: This DOMConfiguration is specific to the parse operation. No parameter values from this DOMConfiguration object are passed automatically to the DOMConfiguration object on the Document that is created, or used, by the parse operation. The source document must be an XML fragment. A fragment is anything except a complete XML document, a DOCTYPE (internal subset), entity declaration(s), notation declaration(s), or XML or text declaration(s). Note that a complete XML document with context node of type DOCUMENT_NODE and action ACTION_REPLACE_CHILDREN is a fragment. The system identifier is optional if there is a byte stream, a character stream, or string data. It is still useful to provide one, since the application will use it to resolve any relative URIs and can include it in error messages and warnings. (The LSParser will only attempt to fetch the resource identified by the URI reference if there is no other input available in the input source.) For XML [XML 1.0] resources (i.e. entities), applications must use the value "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml". For XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1], applications must use the value "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema". The constants SHOW_ATTRIBUTE, SHOW_DOCUMENT, SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE, SHOW_NOTATION, SHOW_ENTITY, and SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT are meaningless here. Those nodes will never be passed to LSParserFilter.acceptNode. [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/PR-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040205/ [2] http://www.w3.org/2001/06/manual/#RFC Best wishes for your project, -- Susan Lesch http://www.w3.org/People/Lesch/ mailto:lesch@w3.org tel:+1.858.483.4819 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) http://www.w3.org/
Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2004 02:22:36 UTC