Re: DOMStringList

I see nothign preventing the CSS WG from extending the DOMStringList 
interface to something that is a mutable list of strings, i.e. create a 
new interface that inherits DOMStringList and add the methods you need...

Daniel Glazman wrote:

> Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
>> DOMStringList was designed to fulfill the needs of
>> DOMConfiguration.parameternames and NodeEditVal.enumeratedValues. We had
>> no reason to add appendString or insertString since the attributes are
>> readonly.
> The CSS WG is working on the CSS Editing Object Model that reuses
> DOMStringList as a return argument of a new method querying classes
> or IDs "defined" in a given stylesheet or stylerule. That would be very
> cool to allow the calling code to merge DOMStringLists without having to
> "clone" them into an Array with an expensive chunk of code.
> </Daniel>


Received on Monday, 12 April 2004 15:50:35 UTC