Re: i18n reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

Francois Yergeau wrote:
> LS6) In DOMSerializer, method writeURI(): there is no way to control the
> encoding that will be used to output.  The method itself doesn't have a
> parameter, and the order of priorities is Document.actualEncoding followed
> by Document.xmlEncoding. Document.actualEncoding being read-only, the user
> has no way to specify the output encoding, except if by chance
> Document.actualEncoding is null.  There should be an additional  "encoding"
> parameter (nullable, to fall back to actualEncoding and xmlEncoding) to the
> method.

DOMSerializer.writeURI() is merely a convenience method (and is now 
defined as such), if you need to pass encoding information when writing 
to a IRI, use DOMSerializer.write() and set the encoding on the DOMOutput.


Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2003 20:52:17 UTC