Re: Reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

François Yergeau wrote:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> In interface DOMSerializer, method writeURI(), it would be desirable to
> specify more how to write to a URI, at least for very common schemes
> such as HTTP(S) and mailto.
> In HTTP, it would seem desirable to actually be able to choose which
> verb (POST or PUT) is used.  POST is supposed to be used when posting
> forms, which XForms does with XML data.  PUT is supposed to be used for
> uploading data, here an XML document.  The DOM user should be able to
> specify which to use, perhaps using an additional parameter to the method.
> The spec should also specify to include a Content-Type header with a
> media type (which? need a parameter to the method?) and a charset
> parameter.
> Same comment for DOMOutput when the systemID ends up being used.

The DOM WG discussed this issue and decided to specify that when writing 
to a HTTP URI, a HTTP PUT is always performed. For other typs of URIs, 
the mechanism for writing the data to the URI is implementation 
dependent. The WG did not want to extend the API to let the user specify 
a content type, though it was decided to make the spec state that the 
implementation is expected to make the implementation responsible of 
associating the appropriate media type with the serialized data. As for 
charset, use DOMSerializer.write() and specify the charset in the 
DOMOutput. (DOMSerializer.writeURI() is now simply a convenience method 
that acts as if calling write(), passing the uri using the DOMOutput 


Received on Monday, 15 September 2003 20:43:14 UTC