Re: Comments on DOM 3 LS

Anjana Manian wrote:
> Comments on DOM Level 3 Load and Save specification based on the June 19 version of the spec. 
> - "In addition to the parameters recognized in DOM Level 3 Core...": 
>    - Does this mean that all the parameters listed in DOMConfiguration interface in DOM Level 3 needs to be recognized by DOM LS implementation?
>    - If yes, then some of the parameters are repeated here like "infoset", "namespace" etc. They need to be removed. 
>    - If not, it should be explicitly stated which parameters (if any) from DOM Level 3 Core needs to be recognized by DOM LS module. 

The spec clearly says that it "adds or modifies" the parameters listed 
there, the WG doesn't feel the need for any clarification on this.


Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 19:24:06 UTC