[CR-DOM-Level-3-XPath] uses DOMObject, but doesn't normatively reference DOM Level 3 Core


The DOM L3 XPath module CR uses the DOMObject (newly introduced in DOM 
L3 Core) datatype as return value for evaluate(). However, the XPath 
module only normatively references DOM Level _2_ Core, implying that 
the XPath module can be implemented on top of an DOM2 Core, which it 
can't due to lack of DOMObject. Even though DOMObject is just defined 
to be the programming language's single root in object-based languages, 
this won't work in non-singly-rooted ones, such as C++ (or should one 
use void*?)


There's a lot of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" going on,
but the bathwater is so foul that many companies don't mind the
occasional loss of baby. -- Bruce Schneier on spam filters,
                            Crypto-Gram 07/2003

Received on Monday, 8 September 2003 18:20:33 UTC