Comments for CR-DOM-Level-3-Val-20030730


These are minor editorial comments for your DOM3 Validation
Specification [1]. I thought that on the whole it looks great.

Globally, s/XML Schema/XML schema/ (unless referring to the title of
the spec) or W3C XML schema.

Decide whether or not to hyphenate subtree.

Spell APIs out the first time: APIs (Application Programming
Interfaces). I am not 100% sure if the P stands for Program, Programmer
or Programming.

s/Hewlett Packard/Hewlett-Packard/
s/team contact/Team Contact/

     Examples of such guided editing are queries of the nature that
     combine questions like
could read:
     Examples of such guided editing are queries like

Tough to read:
     Users may also want to know several levels of details, e.g., all
     the possible children, those which would be valid given what
     precedes this point, lists of defined symbols of a given kind, in
     order to help in editing and creating an XML document.
could be:
     Users may also want to know several levels of detail (e.g., all the
     possible children, what children would be valid given what precedes
     a given point, or lists of defined symbols of a given kind) in
     order to help edit and create an XML document.

     Some of these queries would prompt checks and warn you if you're
     about to conflict with or overwrite such data.

Avoid you. Who is you? Maybe:

     Queries would prompt checks and warn the user if they are about to
     conflict with or overwrite data.

This part:
     To some, they may edit, come up with an invalid document, then edit
     again to result in a valid document. During this process, these
     APIs can allow the user to check the validity of the document or
     sub-tree on demand; and if needed can also require that the
     document or sub-tree remain valid during this editing process via
     the DocumentEditVAL.continuousValidityChecking flag.
could read:
     They may edit, come up with an invalid document, then edit again to
     result in a valid document. During this process, these APIs can
     allow the user to check the validity of the document or sub-tree on
     demand. If necessary, these APIs can also require that the document
     or sub-tree remain valid during an editing process via the
     DocumentEditVAL.continuousValidityChecking flag.

     e.g., a DTD or an XML Schema or another
could read:
     e.g., a DTD, an XML schema or another schema

The tables in Appendix A would be easier to read with cellpadding="3"
or so.

In Appendix E, s/members of the DOM Working Group/participants in the
DOM Working Group/ (to differentiate from W3C Members)

In the Glossary, s/Several of the following term definitions/Some of
the following term definitions/ (several of a total of four would be
some or a few)

In namespace well-formed, s/A node is... and follow/A node is... and


Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 31 August 2003 17:49:42 UTC