Re: Last Call Issues for WD-DOM-Level-3-Events

On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 18:13, Brad Pettit wrote:
> 1.2.4
> "In the case of the hyperlink in the browser, canceling the action
> would have the result of not activating the hyperlink."
> "Different implementations will specify their own default actions, if
> any, associated with each event. The DOM does not attempt to specify
> these actions."
> In the case of HTMLEvents, the default actions for some of the
> objects, such as <A>, as well as their relationship with DOM 1 HTML
> (such as what DOM2/3 events result from calling the "click, blur,
> focus, or select" methods on an element) would be worth specification.
> Otherwise we end up with a situation where the first widely
> distributed implementation dictates the specification.

The new section should clarify this:
The concept of activation ({"",
"DOMActivate"}) was introduced in [DOM Level 2 Events] to separate
generic actions from the devices used to activate them. For example, an
hyperlink can be activated using a mouse or a keyboard, and the
activation will force the user agent to follow the link. It is expected
that the action of following the link is done using a default action
attached to the hyperlink element. In such case, the default action of
the device event type is to trigger the event type
{"", "DOMActivate"}. Preventing the
default action of a mouse click when the target node is an hyperlink
will prevent the activation. The same approach is made for control

If a change is made before the activation, cancelling the device event
type will also reverse the change. A good example is the attribute
HTMLInputElement.checked. As described in [DOM Level 2 HTML], the value
of this property may be changed before the dispatch of the event: the
user clicks on the radio button, the radio button is being checked (or
unchecked) on the display, the attribute HTMLInputElement.checked is
changed as well, and then the device event type
{"", "click"} is being dispatched. If
the default action of the device event type is prevented, or if the
default action attached to the {"",
"DOMActivate"} event type is prevented, the value of the property will
need to be changed back to its original value.

Let us know if this is not clear enough,

PS: your issue has been closed:

Received on Friday, 20 June 2003 16:56:49 UTC