Re: Issue Xpath-30: Reusing result sets

>I was hoping that another person who also commented on this method was
>to benchmark any difference in performance between reusing a result set
>passing null consistently.  My instinct is that any performance gain is

The gain -- or loss -- is going to be highly implementation dependent,
based on how much overhead that particular code (and the platform it's
running on) imposes on creating a new instance of the object. There may be
a good reason for letting applications pass this parameter in as an
optimization hint -- but also a good reason for letting the implementation
decide whether accepting that hint makes sense.

So I agree that the wording should be "cannot or choses not to", or
something along those lines, and that users should always never assume that
the object passed in will be the same as the one which is returned.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 28 March 2002 13:18:02 UTC