Re: DOMString Character Encoding

On Sun, 2002-02-17 at 19:15, Allen, Michael B (RSCH) wrote:
> 	Specifying the type is one thing, but specifying the encoding is another.
> 	Making it UTF-16 (big endian, little endian, w/wo BOM?) unnecessarily
> 	constrains the implementation. I know first hand it creates a significant barrier
> 	for C. It requires that the implementation provide all the usual string
> 	manipulation functions. Consider what would happen if the DOMString type
> 	were defined as a long and specified the encoding as UCS-4BE? What would
> 	the Java language binding look like?

Applications must encode DOMString using UTF-16

big endian or little endian is platform dependent. I don't think that
the BOM doesn't have anything to do in a DOMString.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 18:23:15 UTC