LS: DOMBuilder namespace-declarations feature

My apologies if the following has already been asked and answered (the W3C search engine appears to be down):
Regarding the "namspace-declarations" feature of DOMBuilder, which is defaulted as "true", meaning "include the namespace declaration attributes, specified or defaulted from the schema or the DTD, in the DOM document", how does this correlate with the following statements:
(1) in DOM-3 Core, under Element, it is stated "The properties [namespace attributes] and [in-scope namespaces] defined in [XML Information set] are not accessible from DOM Level 3 Core."; and
(2) in DOM-3 LS, under 2.1.3, it is stated "All information to be serialized should be available via the normal DOM API."
Unless I am missing something (which is probably the case), these latter two statements would seem to indicate that it is impossible to support "namespace-declarations" as presently defined.
Glenn Adams

Received on Saturday, 9 February 2002 13:26:43 UTC