Supporting sequential access and/or mixed processing models

To enable a sub-set of DOM for sequential access 
(see Paul Prescod's Pull DOM), modify DOM with
three changes:

a) Give each node an "access" property.  This property
   can have one of three values:

   RANDOM       The node's content can be viewed as
                many times as desired.

   SEQUENTIAL   The node's content can only be viewed

   NOACCESS     The node's content has already been viewed.

b) Allow content accessors to throw a new "NoAccess"
   exception.  These accessors may only throw this exception
   if the access property of the node is NOACCESS.

c) When a content accessor is invoked, the node's access
   may change from SEQUENTIAL to RANDOM or NOACCESS.
   A node that has RANDOM access must forever stay with
   RANDOM access. 



Clark C. Evans                   Axista, Inc.            800.926.5525
XCOLLA Collaborative Project Management Software

Received on Sunday, 27 January 2002 13:44:48 UTC