Re: Comments on DOM2 CR wrote:
> > You might want to re-think this.  AT present, both Document
> > and DOMImplementation serve as factories for various things.
> > You are saying that you would use Document to
> > create TreeWalkers and NodeIterators, but as currently specified you use
> > DOMImplementation to create DocumentType and Document objects,
> > a bit inconsistent.
> No, that's actually pretty consistant.

Except for DocumentType objects.

Something has to be a factory-for-the-factory, so having a special case
to bootsrap a Document doesn't seem odd to me.

>	 Since a Document's context is mostly defined by the
> DOMImplementation, we put the factory there. We could have put it on
> DocumentType, but DocumentType is optional.

And anyway, DocumentType as factory for Document would be wrong
since the contained object can't create its container.

- Dave

Received on Monday, 6 March 2000 11:38:22 UTC