Re: cloneNode() and insert into another document

At 8:24 PM 2/8/00, Robert Rangel wrote:
>I am trying to copy a node from one document and insert it into a separate
>document tree. I tried to cloneNode(true) it and insertBefore() into the
>new document, but a DOMException with a code of "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERROR" is
>raised. Why is this a limitation, and is there an easy perform this
>operation with standard DOM methods?
>I am using IBM's xml4j java parser (XERCES).

Use import-node from DOM2.

-- Terje <> | Media Design in*Progress

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   Take advantage of XML with Emile, the first XML editor for Mac!

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 01:00:44 UTC