- From: Ray D. Whitmer <rayw@imall.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 12:28:54 -0700 (MST)
- To: keshlam@us.ibm.com
- cc: David Brownell <david-b@pacbell.net>, www-dom@w3.org
On Thu, 18 Nov 1999 keshlam@us.ibm.com wrote: >>There's no way to associate NOTATION or ENTITY nodes with a doctype node. > >DocumentType's "entities" and "notations" attributes are NamedNodeMaps. You >can retrieve the appropriate NamedNodeMap, then use its setNamedItem >methods to add one of these definitions. > >The real problem is that there's no factory method for NOTATIONs or >ENTITYs. And DOM Level 2 doesn't fix this. > >Level 3 will have to, as part of the DTD/Content Model support. > >______________________________________ >Joe Kesselman / IBM Research I believe any attempt to set or remove an entity or notation should result in an exception in DOM level 1 or two. There needs to be a way to do this, but there are issues of liveness to be worked out before it can be supported in a standard way by the specification. Ray Whitmer ray@imall.com
Received on Friday, 19 November 1999 14:29:39 UTC