Re: Any reason that the Level 2 interfaces have the EXACT SAME NAME a s the Level 1 interfaces?

On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, Box, Don wrote:

>This makes it extremely hard to write Java code that:
>a) Allows users to link in their own XML parser that implements org.w3c.*

I believe the Java spec has a very robust class activation 
mechanism.  Even if a class was compiled against a level 2 
interface, it can run against a level 1 implementation as 
long as it calls no level 2 methods.

Users may still easily compile against level 1 interface 
classes if they desire, and run against either level 1 or
level 2 implementations.  Java does not resort to linking.  

>b) Mixes Level 1 and Level 2 XML parsers in the same VM.

I believe the Java spec allows free intermixing of 
implementations and applications where the interface 
against which they were compiled does not necessarily 
match the one found in the VM where they run.  The worst 
that happens if a user attempts to call a method that an 
implementation did not supply is that an exception is 
thrown at that point.  As long as the Java spec is correctly 
implemented.  Level 1 applications will simply always work 
against the level 2 implementation, and level 2 applications 
can easily perform one-time checks to make certain the desired 
functionality is there.  The highest-level version of the
apis just needs to appear first in the class path.

jdk 1.1 from Sun had some problems -- not just this one :-), 
but jdk 1.2 from Sun is correctly implemented, and I have 
proven to myself experimentally that you can freely intermix 
implementations and applications of level 1 and level 2 DOM 
in the same VM in all cases.  If you can prove otherwise,
please supply the example.

>Yes, I know about DOMImplementation.supports, but I am sorry, this is a
>hack. I strongly suggest you hoist the new Level 2 methods into new
>interrfaces that extend the Level 1 versions. This could be done as simply
>as spawning off another package name, as follows:

Certain optional extensions to DOM have been defined as new interfaces 
in Java. I feel that these cases are different from the common basic ones 
you are objecting to which are done by simple extension to the 
existing interface.

Java, JavaScript, and certain other languages go to great lengths to 
give the user a more-unified non-fragile object model.  There are other 
language bindings where new interfaces is the best way to go, but even 
these languages should encourage users to use the supports method to 
get a less-fragmented and more-timely picture of the underlying 
support supplied by the implementation.

I like Java for the dynamic object model that C++ never provided.  
You don't help a Java API by fragmenting it.  Lots of interfaces on a 
single object produces a decaying vtable, and the more you have, 
the more you destroy rather than help the type safety and approach a 
model where you look up every method before you call it.  Over time, 
there will be more levels of DOM, I believe, which would cause further 
fragmentation if that model were used -- and it would be bad enough
just for level 2.

Take, for example, the new functionality of namespaces, which will
be used literally in every loop and traversal of the hierarchy (at
least in all my use cases).  Do you really want to be forced to
test and type cast every node returned by a level 1 traversal method
just to check the namespace?  Or force implementations to 
seperately support level 1 and level 2 interfaces with all the 
methods duplicated?  The alternatives to simply extending the existing 
interfaces are very ugly and would make me doubt whether I want 
to use the result in Java.  Why bother, when Java solves the problem
much more elegantly.  You find similar cases in the JDK 1.2 where 
new methods are simply added to an existing 1.1 base and it hurts 

Yet with all the problems it would cause, the fragmented interfaces 
still cannot even guarantee, for example, that level 2 nodes will 
only have level 2 nodes as children, or that a tree has the necessary
functionality that the creator of the tree needed.  It would be quite 
frustrating to execute a lengthy set of manipulations on a document 
only to discover on the last manipulation that an object, which may 
not have existed until that point, didn't support a critical interface 
that was essential to complete the processing.

The "supports" concept and a contract guaranteed by the spec rather 
than by a fragmented collection of interfaces seems superior because 
it defines a more usable concept of an implementation's support level 
-- one that happened by design in the spec rather than happening from 
a set of unclear relationships between interfaces.

If an application waits until it needs to to call the method to see 
whether it happens through random good fortune to exist, a failure to
find the right interface is often no-more catastrophic than the 
exception that Java would throw.  There is a supports method on every 
node you can use immediately before you try to call the method.  But 
there is a better technique which can tell you in advance and save 
lots of typecasting and checking later.

>This allows me to do the more Java-esque test for extended functionality:
>public void f(org.w3c.dom.Attr attr)
>    if (attr instanceof org.w3c.dom.level2.Attr) {
>  // use level 2 functionality here
>    }
>    else
>    {
>   // fall back on Level 1 functionality here
>    }

This example is not what I would call good practice, if it occurs
commonly.  Any place dynamic type checking amd type casting occurs in 
my code, I am suspicious that the object model is broken.  I find this 
example a strong case against using new interfaces everywhere, because
it appears to be such a common case.

While DOM does occasionally rely on typecasting, by and large, 
Node has enough methods to avoid typecasting in the common cases.

Also, neither level 1 nor level 2 of the DOM guarantees that you 
know what type of object you have by asking instanceof.  That
is why the nodeType getter is available on the node.  That you
find "instanceof" more Java-esque doesn't mean it will be reliable
since there is nothing in the spec that says a particular object might
not, for example, implement a CDataSection, a Text, and a Comment, 
all simultaneously.  Implementations are free to do that, and have
been free to do that since level 1.

Using supports, an application can make a single test once and know 
for the whole rest of the document whether the hierarchy had level 2 
or level 1 nodes in it, and simply call the methods without 

>For someone implementing a Level 2 parser, one can simply ignore the level 1
>names as folows:
>import org.w3c.dom.level2.Element;
>public class MyElement implements Element
>// implement union of Level 1 and Level 2 methods
>I really really feel this is an important issue. I have personally written
>code that loads multiple XML parsers and in the face of Level 1 and Level 2
>parsers, I see trouble. It is also not that far fetched to come up with
>scenarios where this can happen (a web server that loads independently
>developed servlets that each use a different XML parser).

Those on the working group also find that this is a very important 
issue and spent a lot of time exploring alternatives before deciding 
to extend the APIs in the way they have been extended and are anxious
to receive feedback.

The alternative you seem to suggest here of replicating the interfaces and 
thereby making each object implement two versions of every level 1 routine 
was thought to be too heavyweight -- actually you haven't made it clear
in this last example whether you inherit the level 2 interface from the
level 1 interface forcing typecasting everywhere a level 1 interface is
returned by a level 1 method, or whether you force a completely seperate
level 2 implementation, forcing lots of redundant code and mangling of 
names to allow two versions of a method that took all the same arguments to
returning either a level 1 or a level 2 version of an object, or whether
you solve that problem by breaking typecasting between implementations.

I find your one example does not support the apparent premise that using 
"supports" is somehow a hack and typecasting for every new function is the 
preferred way to go.  I suspect I'd start using Smalltalk or JavaScript 
instead of Java before I'd personally accept that premise, because I find 
having to cast on nearly every line of an application to be useless and 

Any language binding for which the multiple interfaces approach is the best
way to extend DOM is perfectly correct to take that approach.  Perhaps you 
can give more compelling examples of why you feel that Java should take 
that approach, or clarify something?

Ray Whitmer

Received on Monday, 25 October 1999 16:25:08 UTC