- From: Mike Champion <mcc@arbortext.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 10:30:19 -0500
- To: Michael Leventhal <mle@citec.fi>
- Cc: www-dom@w3.org
At 04:44 PM 12/28/98 +0200, you wrote: >I suspect this a very old issue - I have been following the >mailing list for some time but haven't seen it discussed >recently. Are DTDs not on the agenda for Level 2? I >can imagine some reasons why that might be the case but >would be grateful if someone could ever so briefly summarize >the view which holds sway in the WG. The WG laid out a long list of options on what to work on for Level 2 (based in large part on input from this mailing list), gave everyone 4 votes, and Range, Events, Style, and Iterators/Filters were the top 4 vote getters. The most often cited reason for not wanting to tackle DTDs in Level 2 was that there is a lot of impetus to define a standard XML-syntax "schema" to replace DTDs, and we didn't want to spend a lot of time supporting DTDs only to find that we had produced an anachronism, so we thought that waiting to see what the schema people came up with would be a good idea. When Level 2 is done, obviously this needs to be reconsidered in light of whatever progress is actually made toward coming up with a standard schema language. Mike Champion
Received on Monday, 28 December 1998 10:30:43 UTC