Re: DOM Level 1 Becomes a W3C Recommendation

At 12:50 PM 10/1/98 -0700, you wrote:
>...This is actually rather easy to do.  It requires, among other things,
>  Defining some of the more egregious bits of Level 1 hand-holding (like
>  ``live'' nodelists) as ``features''.  In fact, making <em>every</em>
>  restriction of this sort a feature.  This would permit formal levels,
>  including some future ``cannonical XML'', to be defined in terms of
>  their required and prohibited features. 
>  Removing restrictions on child types.
>  Extending DocumentType so that it can actually represent an SGML DTD,
>  possibly with extensions.
>  Making it easy to define new node types (perhaps by requiring the result of
>  Node::nodeType to be an index into a NodeList of node types).
>  Bringing back iterators.
>  Permitting implementations that do not require an entire document to be
>  represented in memory at once.
>  Permitting structure sharing. 

Yes! Also:
	clearly defined behaviour under multithreaded conditions (NodeList
	should be thread-safe for traversal at least).

	structure sharing across implementations (possibly as a 'feature')

- Claude Zervas
Adobe Systems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 1 October 1998 19:14:40 UTC