Should Document.cloneNode() work in Level 1?

The naive implementation of WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR has a bit of trouble cloning
an entire Document tree, because (of course) if it just clones the original
document's children they remain bound to that document and can't be
assigned to the new one.

I can special-case this to make it work. But this is the sharp point of the
multiple-document question, which Level 1 explicitly doesn't address... so
there's something to be said for the lazy solution of disabling
Document.cloneNode(), at least until Level 2 resolves some of those
outstanding questions.

Any opinions on whether this cheat is justifiable or not?

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research
Unless stated otherwise, all opinions are solely those of the author.

Received on Tuesday, 8 September 1998 13:46:21 UTC