Re: Anybody for a server-DOM spec?

Claude Zervas <czervas@Adobe.COM> writes:

> The current DOM spec is next to useless for server-side
> applications. It contains way too much baggage designed
> for client-side scripting that only benefits basically
> two or three big vendors. It has almost no support for
> editing (since there are no defined 'set' methods for
> most of the node tree mutation attributes).
> I propose that a group of interested people get together
> to define a new spec (using the current one as a base)
> that lends itself to efficient server-side implementations
> and that can share nodes between implementations.

Count me in!

> Most of the people using the DOM for server-side applications
> are most likely creating non-conforming implementations and
> it is sad that these implementations will not be interchangeable.
> We need to come up with a basic server-DOM spec before things get
> too whacky.

I think that we can go a long way with this if we start by simply flagging
those portions of the spec (almost all, I think, semantic restrictions
rather than the actual interfaces) that don't work for our purposes.  The
two most egregious of these are: "Every node has a parent" and "every
NodeList is live".

 Stephen R. Savitzky   Chief Software Scientist, Ricoh Silicon Valley, Inc., 
<>                            California Research Center
 voice: 650.496.5710   fax: 650.854.8740    URL:
  home: <> URL:

Received on Monday, 24 August 1998 14:41:57 UTC