Re: Comments on the use of exceptions...

> From:  

> Re exception on NamedNodeMap out of range: I think that's the 
same issue as
> "why do the stream operations return the character -1 at end of file rather
> than throwing an exception?" It boils down to a combination of aesthetics
> and convenience of coding and traditional programming practice... I can
> argue this one either way, but it's not obviously wrong as it stands.
Wrong or not, do it better than the implementors of streams in 
terms of aesthetics and fault tolerance.
> Running out of memory: This is an implementation issue, not a DOM issue, I
> think. I'd trust the language to figure out how to throw an appropriate
> exception in this case, since it should already know how and (as you point
> out) we can't be trusted to do so.
Out of memory is very often first detected by Operating System, 
should be handled by Implementation Language, is (not?) handled 
by tools/libraries/packages and the implementation? DOM should 
tell the implementation what to do so the application developer can 
rely on a well known mechanism. 
My vote for "Raise a out of memory Exception".

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Received on Friday, 21 August 1998 04:54:14 UTC