Re: Comments and requests.

On Fri, 17 Oct 1997, Mike Champion wrote:

> At 07:17 AM 10/17/97 -0400, Alexandre Rafalovitch wrote:
> The DOM is built from the output of and XML or HTML parser.  Only "well
> formed" XML or HTML may be meaningfully represented in the DOM.  The major
> browsers, for good business reasons, I suppose, attempt to "make sense" out
> of HTML that is not well formed, but don't count on the DOM doing anything
> along these lines. 

Ok, just to be cristal clear.

If I am writing a browser and it uses DOM to represent the parsed
document and my parser can "make sense" of partially wrong input, the
erorrs should be discarded as "non-significant" and would not show up in

This way, if internal structure was written out from the DOM structure,
any errors that were in original document would not appear in the output?

Alternatively, should we assume that by the time browsers will implement
DOM, all documents out there will be well-formed and browser can just
reject non well-formed documents?

Ps. Lenin has once wrote that by the time communism will arive, no thiefs,
robbers and other bad elements would be left in society, just by the fact
that it is better to be a good guy then a bad guy. He also expected
communism to arrive within something like 20 years.

Received on Sunday, 19 October 1997 19:35:25 UTC