Re: How do I generate test suite code for C?

>     [style]
xsl; Line 326; Column 68; Can not load requested doc:

Try removing xalan.jar from your Ant directory and replacing it with
saxon.jar from Saxon 6.5.1 from  Xalan-J is a
little fussy when you load a huge number of documents in one transform.
Maybe we added a few more tests and made it mad.  I'm long overdue on
checking out whether the later versions of Xalan-J work any better.

> This does look pretty freaky. I don't know dirt about XSLT. If I line
> everything up how much are you willing to help with the stylesheet?

If you can post a few hand-ported C versions of Java tests, we can probably
knock it out in a couple of iterations.

> Do you mean gdome2? I'm not particularly familiar with the whole GNOME
> envoronment but I think they could copy and modify my test suites much
> more easily than it will be for me to get mine working.

One step at a time then.

Received on Saturday, 16 March 2002 21:50:59 UTC