Schema validating the tests identifies problems in a handful of tests, a
couple of mismatched variable names, ignorecase for ignoreCase and missing
ignoreCase attributes. I've attached an abridged output of the running of
Sun's Multischema Validator on the tests.
ignoreCase="auto" is being used inproperly. It should only be used when an
HTML processor is required to uppercase the return value. With the NIST
submission, I globally changed all ignoreCase="auto" to ignoreCase="false"
and will need to walk through the tests to find the few that really should
be ignoreCase="auto".
A <subject> in the metadata section is necessary for tests to appear in the
right place in the test matrix. Basically, would need to cut and paste
URI's from dom1-subjects.xml for the attribute or method being tested.
I'd prefer committing the tests to the CVS now so we can track the evolution
of the tests. Committing the tests to the CVS does not imply any judgement
on the tests, just they are a work in process that we are collaborating on.